Promoting your site with links


Link Promotion – one of the most effective methods of improving the position of your site in the search engines (hereinafter – PS). In simple terms, the more quality sites contain links to your resource – the more “trust” it causes the PS.

Sites from which visitors pass to your web-page are called donor, and your resource – the recipient site (or site-acceptor). The total number of links that lead to your site is called link mass. And the more it is – the better. However, arrange a link explosion does not work – search engines analyze a number of parameters by which “judge” the quality of links. Among these parameters: the compliance of links to the subject of your site, the quality of “anchor” and circumlink texts, link weight, “authority” of donor sites, etc.

Top links for website promotion
PS analyzes the links that lead to your site. They come in several types:

“Perpetual” links. You place a link to your site on one of the pages of the donor site forever (and pay a round sum for it once). The pros of this type: these links work for a very long time – all the time the donor site exists. Cons: The site may change ownership, or the page with a link may no longer be relevant and be removed. In addition, “eternal” links are quite expensive.

Rental links. In the case of rent, in agreement with the owner or administrator of the site, you will pay for each link placed regularly – say, once a month. The cost of rent is lower than the one-time payment for a “perpetual” link, and there is an opportunity to manage budgets, distributing funds among several “donors”. But the PS are not so loyal to short-term placement, so the effectiveness of the lease may be lower.

Natural links. Let’s say you sell a mobile app and put a link on a news site in an article with an app review. Visitors click on the link and read the text on your site. PS estimate the coincidence of the themes of both sites, user behavior (people do not go out immediately, but linger to read), and increase the ranking of your resource in the search engine.

Free links. You yourself can place links to your site on free directories, forums or blogs and even in the texts of posts on social networks.

Anchors (anchors)
Before posting links to external resources, it is worth taking care of competent composition of anchors (anchors) – text links. There are two rules for anchors: their text should not be repeated within the same site, and should contain key queries.

Consider the basic types of anchors:

With the exact entry of the query. This is when a search query is used in the anchor text without change.

With diluted occurrence. Some clarifying or “diluting” word is added to the text of the key.

Queries with morphological inclusion allow you to change the case or number of keywords in the query.

With synonyms and near-topic words (LSI words).

With references to brands. Here, the link text will be the name of the brand, company or product itself.

Without reference to the query. This anchor is written in more general phrases, without specifying the geographical location or other specifics.

Anchor list and its composition
If you plan to engage in external optimization of the site regularly – it is worth to make your own anchor list and work with it. How to do it:

Develop a semantic core of the site and allocate blocks (clusters) of keywords leading to specific landing pages. Try to make sure that the list included queries of all frequency types.

Prioritize landing pages and decide which of them you will “strengthen” the link mass.

Act strategically: analyze the relevant pages of your competitors for specific key queries and write out the text of their anchor links. Make these links in your anchor list.

Analyze the text of anchors in the list. Do not abuse anchors with exact occurrences of keys: PS ranking algorithms will consider it overspam. But the anchors with a diluted occurrence in most cases are perceived by search robots more organically. Commercial words (buy, order, price, etc.) should not constitute more than 1-2% of all anchors. Anchors with 2-3 words – about 25%. Another 25% should be given to anchors with 1-2 words. And about half of the links should be anchorless, ie, contain only the URL landing site / page.

About anchor text links
A few sentences before and after the link is called near-anchor text. PS evaluate it according to several criteria, and the result is considered conditionally “good” or “bad”. Signs of good near-anchor text:

  • Corresponds to the subject of the link (as well as the entire page).
  • Does not contain grammatical errors, is logical, literate.
  • Does not repeat exactly the same for different links.
  • Does not contain overspamming of keywords.